

Recent research has highlighted the amazing properties of xylitol and Curcuma xanthorrhiza extract and their oral and dental benefits. In fact, the World Health Organization has given xylitol its safest rating for food additives.

Xylitol, which is 100% natural, prevents the formation of acids causing tooth decay, as its structure cannot be metabolised by bacteria. Regular use of xylitol may drop the number of acid producing bacteria by 90%. Replacing sugar with xylitol creates an oral environment, which allows the pH level to rise swiftly to a normal and healthy value, curtailing enamel erosion and supporting remineralisation.

Saliva containing xylitol has a higher level of alkalinity than saliva containing other sugar products. Once the pH level of the saliva rises above seven, the calcium and phosphate salts in the saliva start to repair weak enamel and allow calcium deficient areas to harden.

A double blind study done in the 1980’s with 1 277 schoolchildren from Belize clearly demonstrated the therapeutic properties of xylitol. Divided into three groups, they were set the task of chewing gum several times a day – even over weekends and during holidays. The first group, chewed gum sweetened with sucrose and after the experimental period of 40 months showed an increase of 120% cavities. The second group, given gum sweetened by sorbitol, showed a reduction of 26% fewer cavities at the end of the experiment. The group provided with gum containing xylitol experienced an incredible 73% less cavities after the 40-month period.

Continued use of xylitol, which in itself is anti-adhesive, prevents the S. mutans, bacteria that encourage cavities, from adhering to the surface of the teeth and so prevent a build-up of plaque. These S. mutans are then disposed into the saliva, where their effect becomes negligible.

It is interesting to note that even new-born babies have bacteria introduced into their mouths through kissing. Trials in Finland have shown that mothers treated with xylitol had children with lower S. mutans levels than mothers treated with chlorhexidine or fluoride varnish.

Xylitol has a pleasant, sweetish taste adding to its selection as a product of choice. For superior results, xylitol should be used over a prolonged period, at regular intervals throughout the day.

Curcuma xanthorrhiza (CXE)

Combining xylitol with Curcuma xanthorrhiza extract (CXE) completely prevented the growth of Planktonic S. mutans and S. mutans biofilm (plaque). CXE and xylitol arrested the growth of these bacteria after one minute’s exposure at a concentration of 50ppm. This was clearly demonstrated through clinical research done at the Department of Preventative Dentistry and Public Oral Health in Seoul, South Korea.

These studies showed that natural CXE could be used in dental and oral health to prevent cavities because of its strong anti-bacterial properties, its ability to suppress acid production and the formation of S. mutans biofilm (plaque).

Further studies, conducted at the Yonsei University in Seoul, showed that CXE also acted as a bactericide against A. viscosus and P. gingivalis, which cause periodontitis.

This beautiful plant, sometimes called Javanese Turmeric, is also used to combat bad breath.

Rhatany Root4 Extract

After the age of 30, periodontal disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) is responsible for more tooth loss than dental cavities. It is within this sphere that rhatany root extract complements the oral hygiene properties of xylitol and CXE. Although rhatany root extract also has antibacterial properties, it extends the oral hygiene platform, in that it is excellent for the treatment of mucosa inflammation, gingivitis and ulcerated and spongy gums. Its benefits arise from its powerful properties as an astringent, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal element.

Schizandra sphenanthera

Schizandra sphenanthera extract is another natural choice for an effective dental programme. Schizandra sphenanthera has impressive anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant and anti-oxidant properties. Its anti-inflammatory attributes are based on the inhibition of COX-2 and pro-inflammatory prostaglandin (PG). COX-2 is the enzyme that makes prostaglandins, which are unsaturated fatty acids that causes inflammation, pain and fever.

Myrrh and Sage

Two ingredients that are also essential in creating a superior dental programme has to be myrrh and sage extract. Myrrh, known for its wound-healing and astringent properties, is very effective in treating and soothing oral irritations such as aphthous stomatitis (ulcers) and halitosis and both myrrh and sage for the treatment of gingivitis.

The German Commission E publication approved sage in treating inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. Sage is therefore extremely successful in treating abscesses, infected gums and mouth ulcers. Sage also has the additional properties as an anti-bacterial and antioxidant agent.


Various studies have shown that liquorice has very strong antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and can treat and prevent oral infections. Two of its antibacterial compounds, licoricidin and licorisoflavan A, are exceptionally effective against bacteria (including S.mutans, and Porphyromonas gingivalis) that cause cavities and gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. They also prevent the build-up of plaque on the teeth. Another study showed that liquorice increased the healing of canker sores and reduced the associated pain.

A 2013 study showed that liquorice prevented the growth of bad bacteria and plaque in children and that they enjoyed the taste. The liquorice in PUREFRESH? does not overpower the taste, rather it adds to the experience.

Calcium Carbonate and Kaolin

The main reasons we brush our teeth is to keep them clean, polished and white and to prevent staining. Both calcium carbonate and kaolin have been added for just this reason.

Although brushing helps to clean the teeth, surface stains, discolouring and debris are often persistent and a coarser agent than a toothbrush is needed to remove them. These abrasives include silicates (kaolin) and carbonates (calcium carbonate) and their function is to scour the teeth gently and safely while brushing.

A double blind study done at 4-Front Research UK Ltd in Maldon in the United Kingdom proved calcium carbonate’s superiority as a healthy and harmless stain remover. 152 Adults with stained teeth were chosen and provided with a toothpaste containing either silica (not to be confused with silicates) or calcium carbonate and then instructed to brush their teeth twice a day for two weeks. At the end of the two-week study, the toothpaste containing calcium carbonate significantly removed more stains than the toothpaste with silica.

We all want our teeth to look brighter, cleaner and have a lustre to them. Polished teeth are smoother and appear much whiter, which is important from an aesthetic perspective. More importantly, smooth teeth mean less scratches and hollows on the tooth’s surface and therefore, there is less chance of plaque being able to adhere to them or for discolouration to take place.

Besides its attributes as a gentle scourer, kaolin has a unique physical characteristic, which makes it effective as a polisher. Unlike many other abrasives, which have an irregular ball-shaped forms that can at times scratch or gouge your teeth, kaolin particles are thin, flat platelets. When pressed up against the tooth’s surface by a toothbrush, they position themselves flat against the surface. As you brush, the tiny ridges of the platelets act together as petite files to produce a micro-smooth surface with lots of shine.

Their gentleness combined with their dynamic scouring, polishing and stain removal ability, makes kaolin and calcium carbonate a must-have in toothpaste.

Natural Mint and Peppermint Oil

Apart from providing a pleasing taste, both mint and peppermint have antiseptic properties. This is however, not the only reason why they have been included as therapeutic ingredients. Each of them has additional qualities that enhance the value of toothpaste. Mint has anti-microbial, antibacterial and anti-fungal attributes, while peppermint oil is known as an analgesic (pain killer), an astringent and an anti-inflammatory.

These properties assist in clearing the mouth of bacteria and fungus, healing periodontitis, treating halitosis (bad breath), and soothing irritations. Another benefit that mint adds to the mix is its ability to improve your sense of taste. This is especially valuable for smokers and coffee addicts.

Finally, peppermint is also important in digestion as it stimulate the gall bladder and the secretion of bile. It acts as a carminative in removing gas, settles upset stomachs and nausea, soothes cramps and spastic colon





Curcuma Xanthorrhiza extract (CXE)

Rhatany Root Extract

Schizandra sphenanthera extract

Sage, Myrrh and Peppermint

Kaolin and Calcium Carbonate – From the International Dental Journal, 2005,?vol.?55,?pp.?179-182,?SUP1?[4 page(s) (article)]

Mint and Peppermint
